Traditional machine learning algorithms tend to require lots of training data. However, by introducing domain knowledge, one can dramatically improve the data efficiency -- as well as generalizability -- of these models. In this research line, we aim to augment models with descriptors stemming from quantum chemical calculations to facilitate their application to domains for which only limited data is available.
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Many processes studied in transition-metal catalysis, bio- and polymer chemistry, enzyme catalysis and environmental chemistry involve a multitude of elementary reaction steps and competing reaction pathways. In order to analyze, control and/or steer the outcome of generic, complex reaction networks, all the relevant chemical compounds and associated elementary reactions need to be identified. In this research line, we aim to combine efficient algorithms and machine learning approaches to efficiently explore and analyze such networks.
Selected publications:
Effective QM augmentation of machine learning models inherently requires a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of chemical reactivity. In this research line, we aim to expand and unify existing reactivity theories (conceptual Density Functional Theory, Valence Bond Theory, Molecular Orbital Theory etc.) through consideration of various reactivity problems.
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